Sunday, September 2, 2007

The little stuff

Maybe it's my Norwegian genes but as I go through this house I just sold and start to purge all the stuff, I'm finding the little stuff is the hard stuff. "Useful" things like those office supplies that I"ve had for, what, 10 years... "You never know when you'll need a really large paperclip'. Maybe it's because these are things that are harder to get rid of (you can't really sell them on CraigsList and friends and family already have this stuff around).

The big stuff I'm finding is easy. Just sold the entire living room (about 11 pieces of leather, wood, rock and fabric in the form of really big furniture). I also found that if you sell it way below it's value, it'll go fast, and they'll gladly do all the work (take it apart, pack it up, get out quick before I come to my senses).

But the this little stuff, calculators, small tools, phone connectors and cables, magnets you can slick your business cards on (yea.. I know)....etc. etc).. selling it 'cheap' just doesn't work.

But it's good stuff! Do I just throw it out?

I think I'll try putting it out next to the trash (not in it) with a note that says "Free". I'm pretty sure my little HOA community here has it's fair share of stuff hoarders. We'll see.


Unknown said... is your answer.

Monk said...

Hey.. very cool! I had no idea Craiglist has something for free stuff. I'll try it out..